- The Velvet Cigar

Description: Even Cigars Deserve Comfort

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Posted By ironmeden on August 29, 2012

Well its been many months since I made any updates about where I am. I thought for a while about doing frequent updates, but I thought, “who the hell is going to care about a cigar reviewer going through a divorce?” I agreed with myself, I didn’t want this to iqoption turn into some whiny platform to go over details about a private matter. Anyways, where I am now….papers are filed, my wife has moved out and I have a one of the two cats. She took the normal one.

I didn’t think this process was going to be easy, and I was right. As many times as people say this happens all the time. Well it doesn’t happen all the time to me. The split was more or less a mutual agreement. We haven’t lived as husband and wife for a few years and to continue on that way would of been unfair to both of us.

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