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There’s been a lot of talk over the years of how taxpayer money is going into university research and development, and how the results of all that information isn’t available and is hidden from the public. This means on turnovers and businesses can’t use it without paying an extra fee or entering into some sort of a licensing agreement with that University. The University of course recycles that money and put it towards more research, which is probably a good thing, but the money they take in on these licen

Of course, I have another rather large beef with academic transfer technology and that is that most of the research and development and innovation they create is being developed by entrepreneurs in other nations, not here in the United States. In fact, there are so many industrial espionage spies on our college campuses that many times, even as this information is kept secret from American companies, or they are unable to take the risks to implement it or use it, foreign spies are the first benefactors to a

Many of these papers and all of this research information still is not readily available to the American taxpayer who paid for it. This has been a long and arduous debate, and although things have changed a little bit, we have yet another problem. You see, there are so many rules and regulations for business folks in the US that it’s hard to take that information and build it into a viable business anyway. Whereas, our counterparts in other nations get the information for free by stealing it, and their gove

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