- Veggienale - Die Messe für pflanzlichen Lebensstil & ökologische Nachhaltigkeit

Description: Veggienale Messen. Hier treffen sich Hersteller, Händler und Verbraucher. Die besten grünen Produkte und Ideen für ein nachhaltiges Leben.

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Do you already live vegan and are looking for innovative processed plants? Or do you enjoy animal products and don’t believe in a life without? Either way. We’re glad you’re here. Because at VEGGIENALE & FAIRGOODS you can form your own opinion about the plant-based lifestyle and ecological action, free from prejudice and in peace.

Our platform offers you a finely tuned selection of products from all vegan and sustainable sectors, which will support you in your animal and environmentally friendly activities and also provide you with innovative and stimulating inspiration for all your senses. Taste, smell, touch, feel, listen. Through our mix of product presentations, workshops, lectures, cooking shows, a children’s programme and authentic gastronomy, you can easily be guided by what we have to offer throughout the day.

As a wise person once said, “A no you have, a yes you can get”. So come along and find out.

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