- Vajra Chandrasekera – writer

Description: I'm a writer from Colombo, Sri Lanka. My debut novel The Saint of Bright Doors is a Hugo, Lammy. and Nebula award finalist, won the IAFA William L. Crawford Fantasy Award and was a New York Times Notable Book of 2023. My second novel Rakesfall comes out June 2024. More about me. These are my…

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I’m a writer from Colombo, Sri Lanka, with over fifty short stories published so far, as well as essays and occasional poetry. I’ve been nominated for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, and as part of the then editorial team at Strange Horizons , won the inaugural Ignyte Community Award for Outstanding Efforts in Service of Inclusion and Equitable Practice in Genre.

My debut novel The Saint of Bright Doors will be published in July 2023 by Tordotcom Publishing, as the first standalone in a three-book deal. You can now read an excerpt and preorder the book ! More book updates will appear here .

The moment Fetter is born, Mother-of-Glory pins his shadow to the earth with a large brass nail and tears it from him. This is his first memory, the seed of many hours of therapy to come.