v3solarinc.com - Residential Solar Provider | V3 Electric

Description: We're California's leading residential solar provider. We provide choice and the freedom to choose how you pay for power. | 844-V3POWER

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The energy industry is ripe for disruption. After decades of unpredictable rate hikes, absent innovation and poor reliability, customers are fed up with traditional energy providers. V3 is California’s premiere residential solar energy provider. Learn more about how our services benefit you, and join us in the revolution.

We have helped thousands of customers switch to V3 as their energy provider. No more unpredictable rate hikes, no more black outs*, no more usage penalties. Simply lock in your rate and use a system that we design to fit your needs. Not all locations are eligible, but give us a call to speak with one of our energy consultants to see if your home qualifies.

Thousands of California homeowners have switched to V3 as their preferred energy provider. Hear their stories.