utxo.club - utxo.club

Description: utxo.club research - bitcoin building and handwritten html

Example domain paragraphs

_ _ _ | | | | | | _ _| |___ _____ ___| |_ _| |__ | | | | __\ \/ / _ \ / __| | | | | '_ \ | |_| | |_ > < (_) | (__| | |_| | |_) | \__,_|\__/_/\_\___(_)___|_|\__,_|_.__/ welcome self hosted git repos my github vandals drew over the satsale cow @satoshis.place

🔍 clightning

SatSale is a lightweight payment processor written in python - SatSale.org . You can connect SatSale to your own Bitcoin node or clightning/lnd node. SatSale also supports xpubs, lightning addresses, woocommerce point-of-sales and more! SatSale can be used to spit out unique addresses like we see here. (test em)

Links to utxo.club (1)