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Description: Science Fiction Magazine dedicated to publishing quality short stories, poems, scientific articles which reflect optimism in the future.

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Night was falling across the Torus Zero arm of the Wheel. Rose, halfway out the Sunside maintenance airlock, wedged a suited knee under the hatch lip and gripped both sides so she could hang still and watch. The Wheel, geosynchronous, was the stable point in Rose’s frame of reference; it was the Sun that was moving, sinking behind Earth’s massive arc, limning the midnight blue of Earth’s endless oceans in molten gold. She could feel the Sun’s searing heat even through her faceplate’s polarizers; unconscious

She would miss the Sun!—but she wasn’t going to dwell on that now; she wasn’t going to waste her last trip Outside for an entire year brooding over things that couldn’t be helped. And it wasn’t as if she wouldn’t see the Sun down there, too—her mouth compressed. She had seen footage of the Sun from the Earth-based reclamation labs before—a faint, blurry greenish-gray disc, clogged with sullen clouds and hard-working swarms of aerial algae. That would be almost worse than not seeing the Sun at all.

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