urjnortheastcamps.org - Home - URJ Eisner & Crane Lake Camps

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“Camp was a magical, transformative experience for my child.  He was a bit apprehensive going, but he got acclimated very quickly, and soaked up every moment of wonder and delight while he was there.  Ezra came home singing songs, telling me all the funny jokes he heard, and performing all the amazing skits and chants he experienced at camp.  He was full of light and laughter; every memory was better than the one before!  He can’t wait until next summer.  Folks, I think we’ve created a camper!!!  I couldn’t

-Crane Lake Parent

Our daughter truly loves Eisner. She refers to it as her happy place. She looks forward to camp every year. We hope she can continue attending Eisner in the years to come. Thank you for providing such a loving, safe and nurturing environment for the children. We love you all.

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