urania311.org - About - Urania Lodge 311

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In the year 1858, several Master Masons residing in this area then known as Pleasant Valley, Ohio and being members of Palestine Lodge #158, Marysville, Ohio, and seeing the need of a Lodge, petitioned the Grand Lodge of Ohio for a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons be instituted in this place.

A dispensation was granted October 21, 1858. The word “Urania” is Greek, meaning heavenly one, the muse of astronomy. The Lodge worked under a dispensation until the charter was granted by the Grand Lodge and was presented by Most Worshipful Grand Master Horace M. Stokes on October 30, 1859.

The following history of Urania Lodge #311 F.&A.M., Plain City, Ohio has been compiled from the existing lodge records, a book entitled History of Madison County, Madison County Court House, London, Ohio and information received from the older members of Urania Lodge, members of the O.E.S. and residents of Plain City, Ohio.

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