unrulyrecursion.com - UnRulyRecursion

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Buadline is an interesting DSP tool for signal inspection and analysis.  Unfortunately, the OSX image is a little old (looks like the current release; 1.08; is from 2010), but works just fine.  Well, sort of.  It turns out, the baudline application is not linked to X11 libs where I have them installed.  I use macports, […]

I’ve been getting more and more interested in GNU Radio after learning about SDR (Software Defined Radio).  Since it is easy and cheap to get an SDR receiver ($20), the investment cost is low and the value high for investigating interesting radio signals.  I started by using gqrx, which allows one to do the most […]

Background The Georgia Tech Ramblin’ Rocketeers are participating in ESRA‘s IREC competition this year.  The payload for the Rocketeer’s competition flight is a collection of video camera recording their free descent, falling such that their path(s) to the ground are helical and the view is generally downward pointing.  Effectively this is a data set collection […]

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