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UNN Ads and Links Advertise here on UNN. All money goes to support LIberal / Progressive Talk Radio and this site. Rates $5 a week or $15 a month. Contact Sarge at sarge AT unreportednews DOT net to arrange your ad. Also contact Sarge at 601-736-3001 or Skypes Number 601-857-1159 Thanks Associated Appliances Sales in Phoenix Az. Listen to what they are doing by clicking here. Visit their site LINKS Give Dubya A Throw Kratom for Sale National Priorities Project The Real News We encourage this petition becaus

Check out the 240 pictures taken in October 2006 of the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Rey's reports. Donate to Jackson County Community Services Coalition. Donate to Jackson County Community Services Coalition TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Truck Drivers who will volunteer space to transport donations to Jim Yancey contact [email protected] or [email protected]. We will be posting a list of 15 items needed most and people will donate at certain places for shipment to JCCSC warehouse for Jim Yancey to get the

Major General Charles Ranking Bond is 92 years old and should have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (the United States highest military decoration). He has yet to receive his medal and has been waiting for many years. We are asking for help from U.S. Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi in this matter. We urge constituents to contact Senator Cochran and show support of the effort.

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