unitedmusicmafia.com - United Music Mafia - Home

Description: United Music Mafia - Tampa, Florida's Next Generation of Music Record Label

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Home ABOUT US UNITED MUSIC MAFIA TEAM UMM Artists Executives Sub-Labels UMM DJ Coalition UMM Network MEDIA HYPE 873 RADIO INTERVIEWS K-100 RADIO INTERVIEWS PRESS PHOTOS SERVICES UMM Digital Distribution TOURS CONTACT US Latin Music Division United Music Mafia Metal About UMMM Metal Bands United Music Mafia EDM Comedy Division UMM Fight Club More Home ABOUT US UNITED MUSIC MAFIA TEAM UMM Artists Executives Sub-Labels UMM DJ Coalition UMM Network MEDIA HYPE 873 RADIO INTERVIEWS K-100 RADIO INTERVIEWS PRESS PH

United Music Mafia’s focus is the artist, producers, and DJs.

Our mission is to provide artists with platinum marketing and promotions. The artist that joins our team can expect nothing but professionalism and treated like a  family. The music game is still the same it is just now the game has  changed with time. We will bring you more concerts, parties, and  showcases in the future.