unfinishedperfect.com - unfinished perfect | A critical tense.

Description: A critical tense.

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For my first Stalking of 2014, I headed to the Berlinische Galerie . A big show ( Vienna Berlin: The Art of Two Cities from Schiele to Grosz ) and the festive low-work, high-family-outing season combined to make me think I could really do justice to the Stalking concept: follow random museum-goers on their own journeys through a show, relinquishing my control over what I see. (Go to the Stalkings tab of this blog for more.)

Finding the right art lover to follow is always a challenge, so the more there are, the easier the task. Approaching the museum, my mouth was practically watering as streams of menschen funneled into the main entrance. “I’ll be spoilt for choice of stalkees,” thought I, rubbing my gloved hands in glee.

How wrong I was.