undercommoning.org - Undercommoning – Revolution within, against, and beyond the University

Description: Undercommoning is building a North American network of radical organizers within, against, and beyond the (neo)liberal, (neo)colonial university.

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Undercommoning is an evolving network of radical organizers within, against, and beyond the neoliberal, (neo)colonial university in North America.

We participate in and affirm those activist projects that oppose and seek alternatives to gentrification, commercialization, rising student debt and tuition, low wages for university staff and contract labor, and the academy’s attempts to hold a monopoly on the production of knowledge.

We host occasional  critical online discussions called “ encounters ,” broadcast and publish interviews with activists, and otherwise solicit and disseminate texts and projects that build solidarity around radical and marginalized forms of knowledge and to sustain and amplify the undercommons : those networks of struggle, study and creativity that exist within, outside and in spite of the university.

Links to undercommoning.org (3)