- Tool for Sustainability Corporate Management: reports in GRI, SDG, NFI and more - ESG Cockpit

Description: Sustainability Reports in a glance - software to collect all data needed in an efficient way, evaluation and reporting in accordance with international standards like SDG % , GRI, Gemeinwohlökonomie, ...

Example domain paragraphs

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ESG Cockpit is the state-of-the-art tool for sustainable corporate management. Due to the system’s scalability you will be able to consolidate your environmental data in accordance with all current international sustainability standards to the highest degree of flexibility. The graphic interface facilitates input and ascertainability in terms of comprehension. Data input and output can be exported to all common data formats. Thanks to flexible configuration, configurable, transparent and comprehensible eval

ESG Cockpit, the tool for sustainability data and for corporate management according to the principles of sustainability, including environmental data and all current standards.