ultimatemeaning.com - Ultimate Meaning – Watch Solid Proofs of Your Non-Ending Destiny

Description: Strong scientific and intellectual answers that show the very strong validity for the ultimate reality of this universe to be in a God of ultimate love and His plan for a habitation of love in His corporate bride called forth into ultimate love and unity from all backgrounds and differences of weakness and strength.

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Watch Solid Proofs of Your Non-Ending Destiny

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In the past many evolutionists have theorized that an infinitesimal particle inflated to a grapefruit size and then exploded in the “hot big bang.” Some of the originators of this theory say that this particle came from quantum fluctuations of a true vacuum or sea of nothingness. At least it used to be unending matter or unending God, but now it is evolution out of supposed nothingness which could not be nothingness with the supposed existence of quantum fluctuations.

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