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ou’ve most likely by no means used a round fisheye lens correctly, which is to say within the method it was designed. It is okay, virtually nobody has. Round Fisheye Lenses: A Transient Historical past Round fisheye lenses date again a century with the Hill Sky Lens, the primary 180-degree lens, launched in 1923. Lower […]

Filed under: 8mm Photography

ntroduction The Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 8-25mm F4.0 Professional is a compact, light-weight and weather-sealed ultra-wide-angle to straightforward zoom lens for the Micro 4 Thirds system. That includes a 35mm equal focal vary of 16-50mm, the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 8-25mm F4.0 Professional gives a continuing most aperture of f/4 all through its zoom vary, […]