- UGIRA – The Upper GI International Robotic Association

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On 9-11 June 2023, the first UGIRA Congress ‘A Leap in Technology, a Leap of Faith’ was organized in Taiwan, in conjunction with the 6th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Society of Thoracic Surgeons by congress president Yin-Kai Chao ( ). We thank all participants for their presence and look forward to next year’s UGIRA Congress in Pittsburgh, USA! 

We are happy to announce that Franziska Renger from the HELIOS Klinikum Berlin will be our next UGIRA Fellow in 2023-2024. Congratulations to Franziska; we are looking forward to working with you! UGIRA strives to organize the Fellowship on a regular basis. Keep an eye on our website to stay informed on future opportunities!

On 9-10 June, the 2nd Porthsmouth Robotic Upper GI Course will be organized. The course includes hands-on cadaveric training, live operating, simulations, and expert lectures. The Royal College of Surgeons of England has awarded 12 CPD points. A course dinner is included. Click here to open the course flyer.

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