tygross.com - Tyler Gross | Web Application Developer | Cincinnati, OH | Portfolio

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I live in Cincinnati, OH and have been a web application developer since 2008. I utilize HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 2, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, T-SQL, SQL Server, Stored Procedures, SSIS, XML, Sublime Text 3, Git, Gimp, IIS, ColdFusion, Framework One, Google Apps for Business, Maps API, geocoding, sitemapping, event, ecommerce, and analytics tracking. I am constantly seeking ways to improve my capabilites and my code. Please review my portfolio and feel free to contact me at the bottom of this page.

Client: Time $avers HVAC Link: www.timesavershvac.com/ Role: Working with David Dinsmore as a side project under Dinsmore and Gross Enterprises LLC , I setup the Time $avers site on our Windows server. I also did the development and database work for the custom Service Reminder System Mura CMS plugin. The plugin allows Time $avers to automatically remind its customers when they need to re-schedule seasonal maintence.

Client: GE, NBC, Grainger, Pitney Bowes Link: www.gensuite.com Role: Application Lead of the Product Compliance Center, a web application that enables product compliance tracking and analysis across multiple global regulations as well as non-regulatory certifications and standards.