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Ancient Chinese medical sages and scientists observed nature, especially nature within themselves and discovered so many things about the human body and mind that are being confirmed by modern biomedical science. They recognized that we humans have Three Treasures: Jing , the personal blueprint and instinctive genius and capacity for life that creates our body’s structure and functions. Jing produces the other two treasures: Qi , our life force , our biochemical, bioelectric, magnetic energy that drives phy

Good Chinese Medicine works on all three of these levels: To preserve Jing , which promotes healthy longevity, to nourish Qi and blood, and remove stagnant Qi to encourage clear Shen . This allows our destinies to unfold freely and authentically without the obstruction of illness and learned destructive patterns. Every person’s Three Treasures are unique , and require individual, customized assessment and treatment. This is true holistic medicine, not just using natural remedies to escape or suppress sympto

We hope you enjoy our vintage photos which symbolize our commitment to continuity with centuries of Chinese medicine and wisdom.

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