- Survivability and Information Assurance Curriculum-

Example domain paragraphs

Originally developed by the Carnegie Mellon CERT and revitalized with their permission.

July 15, 2010 . The first two lesson plans are now available from the download page. July 6, 2010 . Our first volunteer, Rachel Oliver, has joined as an editor of the SIA curriculum. July 5, 2010 . The first two lesson plans have been worked on and it looks like those will be available much sooner than July 15. Please stay tuned and check back often. June 22, 2010 . The first few lesson plans from Module 1, which consists of 10 lesson plans, will be available on July 15, '10. June 13, 2010 . This is the new

My name is Duane Dunston and I will be maintaining the SIA curriculum. This curriculum will be the foundation of my course's taught at Pfeiffer University , so it will be updated often. This course teaches real world security principles and provides hands-on exercises for you to become actively engaged in the learning process. This course is not watered down and you'll get a lot out of it, if you actively participate and read through the material and the Recommended Readings throughout the course. LearnSIA