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Jhorna, a young Hindu girl, feels left out when her Catholic classmates receive the Eucharist. Her best friend, Lisa, steals the Eucharist for Jhorna to try. Being seven and gullible, her brother convinces her the Eucharist is literally the body of Christ, so Jesus is in her tummy therefore she must constantly be good. Received: NSI ZeD Drama Prize Award | FilmExchange Film Festival | Nickel Independent Film & Video Festival | Calgary International Film Festival | Prairie Tales Film Festival | Filmi South A

Canadian Director, Melody Marchand, discovers saying “sorry” is a shockingly hard habit to break. | Awards: Juror’s Choice for Best In Show Female Shorts ( Film & Video Showcase: Torpedo Factory Art Center, Virginia ) | Best Screenwriter (AMPIA) | Best Director, Best Short (Nomination: AMPIA) | Official Selection of: The Calgary International Film Festival, The World of Women – WOW Film Festival (Australia), Los Angles Comedy Festival | IMDB:    Sorry Girl

Viva Bengali follows a young couple, who, in order to escape the complications of a large, family wedding, decided to elope. The couple returned home in high spirits only to be confronted by Smita’s mother who insists on an over the top Hindu wedding, putting Vegas to shame. Produced by Earth To Sky Pictures, Director Patricia Harris Seeley, Writer: Smita Acharyya