- Tri-Village Regional Sewer Services Commission

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Tri-Village Regional Sewer Services Commission

The Tri-Village Regional Sewer Services Commission (TVRSSC) was established in 1990 and its membership is made up of Alberta Beach and the Summer Villages of Val Quentin and Sunset Point. At the time of commencement, each municipality was financially responsible for the construction of its own collector system which was then sold to the commission for $1. Each member is responsible for maintaining a bylaw respecting the supply of sewer services in their community. This bylaw gives authority for providing se

The TVRSSC is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 2 Councillors from each of the municipalities who make up the Commission membership. The appointments are made by each Council at their annual organizational meeting. The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed at the Commission’s first meeting, in November, after a municipal election, for a 4-year term, subject to an annual review.

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