- Non-Personal Awareness – A Beautifully Simple Way To Stop Taking Things Personally

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You know if you let your greatness out, great things will happen. But you’re sensitive, and it’s scary because you’ve been cut down so many times. I know how that feels. Those words, those looks, those whispers seem to carry so much power. You’ve probably tried a thousand things to ‘fix’ yourself but the world remains full of crippling opinions, and you’ve not found a way to be free of the pain they cause. That is, until now.

NPA has taught literally thousands of people how to not take things personally, set themselves free and start living life as their fullest expression.

Imagine what YOU could do if you could easily stand tall, free and clear in the face of other peoples opinions? Imagine who you will be when you make that transformational journey and confidently bring your greatness into the world?