- Troy Burch’s Online –

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Warren Barnes was born and raised in Wisconsin. He served in the military during both World War II and the Korean War, and later went into business for himself in a modest book store on the North shore of Lake Wisconsin. This was not a big seller’s shop – it had books, stationary, magazines, and odds and ends – but it was one of the few such locations that still had a traditional Main Street feel to them. That is one of the essences of good retailing: giving customers a great place to shop while feeling lik

It was during the mid 1960s that Barnes decided to go out and start his own retail outlet. He called it the bookstore which was located at the corner of North Avenue in Milwaukee. He named it The Warren Barnes Bookstore and it was a huge success, setting the stage for the retail design careers of today. From that beginning, many other retailers, like Discount Department Store and Family Dollar, emerged. These companies changed the face of retail forever. The competition made it possible for retail to reach

As the retail landscape changed, so did the competition. Stores started offering a variety of options to shoppers in an effort to remain competitive. In response to this, the industry standardized design and inventory on items that would be found in one store. Stores began to use more colorful signage, to attract attention – and thereby increase sales – to draw customers in. Uniformity also increased customer satisfaction.

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