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Tahiti is a beautiful island located in the South Pacific. It is well-known for its stunning beaches, crystal clear waters , and lush jungle. But what most people don’t know is that Tahiti has a rich history that dates back centuries. If you plan to visit this beautiful island, make sure to contact these Tahitian translators , who will cover all of your communication needs.

The first inhabitants of Tahiti were the Polynesians, who are believed to have arrived from Asia around 1000 AD. They established a thriving culture on the island and developed tools, weapons and other items that they used in everyday life. Over time, they also developed many aspects of religious and political systems.

In 1767, Captain James Cook became the first European to visit Tahiti. He was followed by subsequent British, French and Spanish explorers over the next few decades. This led to increased contact with Europeans which brought a wave of new technologies and cultural influences to the region.