- Tracy Chess

Example domain paragraphs

April Tournament ') document.write(' (Friday, April 28th) ') document.write(' Information ') document.write(' Only two tournament left this year so do not miss out! We are back in Stockton this month at') document.write(' Hazelton Elementary School .') document.write(' Last chance to practice up for the big team tournament next month! Bring your friends from school!!!') document.write(' Leave early so you can find the location and not be late!') document.write(' As usual no elimination and entry fee is for

May Tournament ') document.write(' LAST TOURNAMENT ') document.write(' OF THE YEAR!! ') document.write(' (Friday, May 19th) ') document.write(' Information ') document.write(' This is the BIG one!!! Please try to arrive before 6:30pm because we expect a HUGE turn-out!! As usual, no elimination') document.write(' we will be at Chsar Chavez High School in Stockton.') document.write(' For this event I will have EIGHT big trophies for school teams, so invite your friends from school who play chess!') document.w

September Tournament ') document.write(' (Friday, Sep. 30th, 2022) ') document.write(' Information ') document.write(' WE ARE BACK!!! ') document.write('