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Search Menu What’s the best way to clean between nooks and crannies? Is flossing the best method? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu What’s the best way to clean between nooks and crannies? Is flossing the best method? What’s the best way to clean between nooks and crannies? Is flossing the best method? In approaching the world of dental hygiene, one is often confronted with three major concerns. Cavities, gum disease, and bad breath – all of which are caused by the acid produced by ba

Some mouth surfaces are hard like teeth, others soft like gums, even the spongy surface we call tongue. All of these surfaces are porous, meaning they are permeable to fluid absorption.

Our oral care habits are meant to remove this layer of organic matter from the porous surfaces of our mouths. However, brushing and flossing may not always be enough to clean between teeth and other nooks and crannies, leading to bacterial growth.