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Search Menu The Exciting Milestone: Losing Baby Teeth and Welcoming Permanent Smiles Search Search for: Close search Close Menu The Exciting Milestone: Losing Baby Teeth and Welcoming Permanent Smiles The Exciting Milestone: Losing Baby Teeth and Welcoming Permanent Smiles A brief introduction As parents, we witness countless milestones in our children’s lives, one of the most memorable and exciting moments is when they start losing their baby teeth. As a child grows, they begin to develo

Exfoliation, also known as losing baby teeth, usually begins around six or seven years old. The process continues until the age of 12 or 13, when all the primary teeth have been replaced by permanent ones. The exfoliation of baby teeth is a natural and necessary part of a child’s dental growth, preparing them for their permanent teeth that will serve them throughout their lives.

Baby teeth fall out in a different order from child to child, but there is a general pattern to tooth loss. Typically, the lower front teeth, called the central incisors, come out first. Following these are the upper front teeth, the lateral incisors, the first molars, the canines, and the second molars.