- "The Rant" by Tom Degan

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Welcome to The Rant! Your very own electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda. MADE IN AMERICA!!!

It's been somewhat gut-wrenching to watch most of the surviving children of Robert and Ethel Kennedy patiently roll their eyes at some of the positions the second-eldest brother in that brood has taken on various subjects over the years. First there is his insane position on vaccinations - which even I took seriously at first. After all, was my thinking, he's a reasonable man. Why would he take such a position if it wasn't perfectly reasonable? I tended to give the guy the benefit of the doubt back then.

Then came the quest that he and his brother, Doug, took on to have Sirhan B. Sirhan released from a prison where he has sat for nearly fifty-five years. To refresh your memory, Sirhan is the man who,  on June 5, 1968, shot their dad. He died the following day.  Sirhan pled guilty to the crime and was promptly sentenced to death. The Kennedy family - in an act of supernatural compassion and mercy - pleaded for his life to be spared and the sentence was reversed to life in prison. Now Junior is trying to have