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Description: The Beautiful Lie, Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, Tobin Crenshaw, Akron First, Brethren, Jesus, God, YHWH, Grace, Faith, Personal Growth, Spiritual Growth, Church, Pastor, Marine Corps, Mark Peysha, Magali Peysha, Cloe Madanes, Strategic Intervention, Robbins-Madanes, RMT Center, Norman Grubb, Ole Anthony, Church Conflict, Relationships, Marriage, Sex, Covenant, Heart Math, HeartMath, Dating, Relationships, Health, Nutrition

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TOBIN CRENSHAW is a strategic interventionist and graduate of Robbins-Madanes Training. He has spent over 15 years in full-time ministry while simultaneously working in the criminal justice field. A former Marine, he completed undergraduate and graduate studies in theology while traveling the globe to learn some of the world’s deepest spiritual truths. ​

Tobin teaches weekly on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. at Akron First Church in Akron, Ohio where everyone is welcome. For more information check out AkronFirst.Com .