- tND Retail | A trusted advisor to the Board

Description: A trusted retail ICT advisor on board level. Set clear ICT strategy, aligned with the overall business strategy. Information to action. Getting things done.

store (10040) automation (5085) consultancy (4877) retail (4491) pos (2318) cto (338) cio (261) omnichannel (199) storeautomation (1)

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"Selling things that do not return to people that do"  

This proces has been the basis for retail for hundreds of years. But the shoppers journey isn’t straight forward anymore. Customers expect integration of channels and at the same time they demand availability of goods and services where and when they need it. Technology plays a vital role in modern retail. When applied correctly, technology can be one of the enablers to achieve this.

tND Retail lives and breaths retail. We literarily grew up in a store and understand the retail processes and business. We love to shop and can’t stop talking about concepts, processes and service offerings. Furthermore, we know IT, we talk bits and bytes and like gadgets and apps. We roam the market to fully comprehend the latest technologies and investigate their appliance to the Retail business model.