- Tomi Peltola

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I'm Co-founder and Machine Learning Specialist at Digisalix .

Previously, I have worked as Senior AI Scientist at Silo.AI , as Research Scientist at Curious AI , and as Post-doctoral Researcher with Professor Samuel Kaski in the Probabilistic Machine Learning research group at Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT , Department of Computer Science , Aalto University , Finland.

My academic research interests include broadly Bayesian and probabilistic modelling and computation and interactive human-in-the-loop machine learning. My PhD research was about sparse Bayesian linear models and their application in genetics and epidemiology, instructed by Professor Aki Vehtari at Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science, Aalto University. For the first half of 2016, I was a visiting researcher at University College London , UK, spending most of the time with the great