- The Misanthropic Hostess – embracing domesticity on the sly

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embracing domesticity on the sly

Trigger warning: to follow is what can only be described as Via Corona navel gazing.  The good thing is that since this blog hasn’t been updated in nearly a year, chances are high it’ll just be me gazing at my own navel. But, we’ve made some updates around the house in the last year and I like to document such things.  So, onward.

In April, we will have owned Via Corona for six years.  When we last left off our documentation (here is the landing page: Via Corona the Remodel ), it was as done as it was going to be at the moment.  Of course, no house is ever done. And sometimes it feels like the list of what still needs to be addressed is longer than the original renovation list.  Ah, such is home ownership.