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Description: TLCMC - for the ride, for the fun, for the friends

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A short, but circuitous ride up to The Burger Bus in Ballground for lunch had been curated by our illustrious navigation master, Larry. Unfortunately Larry got sick and couldn't make it, but four of us (Mel, Dan, Dennis, and Bob) decided to ride.

We met as usual at Timothy on Arnold Mill and realized that in Larry's absence none of us had set the route in a GPS, so we did the best we could with Google Maps. After working around the limited waypoints in Google Maps we had a route set and headed out.

The day couldn't have been better for riding; bright skies, dry roads, and a great temperature. The first part of the route was straightforward, with very familiar roads that we regularly ride, but once we got onto Henderson Mountain Road the ride started to resemble a scavenger hunt with frequent stops to figure out where we should be going as there was obvious misdirection from Google Maps.