- TKTS London - Last Minute Theatre Tickets | OLT

Description: TKTS London is the number one place for London theatre deals. Get the best last minute theatre deals for London's West End at the TKTS booth.

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var subscribeText = 'Thank\u0020you\u0020for\u0020subscribing\u0021'; var unsubscribeText = 'You\u0027ve\u0020been\u0020unsubscribed\u0020from\u0020notifications.\u0020Click\u0020the\u0020bell\u0020to\u0020join\u0020again.'; var blockedText = "Please allow notifications on your browser. Thanks for subscribing."; var tooltip = document.querySelector('.notification__tooltip'); var hidden = 'notification__tooltip--hidden'; var visibleDuration = 3000; var subscribeButton = "#notification-bell .icon-add-alert";

If you would like to buy tickets for other performances, you can always visit the Official London Theatre  Theatre Tickets page .

"tkts" is a registered trade mark owned by and used under licence from Theatre Development Fund Inc. There is no other relationship or affiliation between Society of London Theatre and Theatre Development Fund Inc, a New York not for profit corporation.