timothyway.co.uk - a second glance – travels of a tway

Description: travels of a tway

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After the actions we took last year to reduce or eliminate 20 tonnes of our family’s carbon footprint, the next major contributor to attack is the food we eat, either at home or out in restaurants. Last year, I had estimated this at 12.5 tonnes of our remaining 30 tonne footprint.

Since the first in this series, our eating and cooking habits have materially changed: I am working from home, so eating at home every lunchtime, and we eat out about half as much as a family. I’ve also realised I hugely underestimated the percentage of our food that is air freighted to us from Australia or Europe. Overall, I still estimate our food footprint to be about 12.1 tonnes a year. This isn’t unrepresentative, food production represented about a quarter of our pre-cut emissions and is likely respon

A reminder: the ultimate goal is for my family to become carbon negative, by reducing our footprint wherever I can, and offsetting the remainder. With hope, these posts influence others to do the same, turning our footprint negative. I am going about this in a completely data driven manner, by analysing where we are responsible for carbon emissions, then making changes to our choices that have the minimum impact on our lifestyle, but the maximum impact on sustainability. As I am doing this, I’ll give the so