tidbitshrv.com - Tidbits of the Hocking River Valley - Published by RTD Media

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• In 1959 Peter Tripp, DJ for WMGM in New York, decided to raise money for the March of Dimes by performing a stunt. The stunt was to stay awake for 200 hours. He set up his recording booth in Times Square and came on the radio hourly to tell people how he was feeling, and he ran his usual evening show every night. The entire ordeal was carefully monitored by doctors and psychiatrists. • Tripp was never alone. Nurses constantly checked his blood, urine, blood pressure, respiration, temperature, and brain wa

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– PEOPLE WORTH REMEMBERING – • George Crowley was born in New Jersey in 1921 and demonstrated his talent for creating electrical inventions early. As a child, he wired a warning buzzer that alerted him to the approach of his parents nearing his bedroom door. At the age of 12 he rigged a dining room door to swing open automatically when his mother, with an armload of dishes, triggered an electric eye. He then installed a switch that would close the living room curtains when the light switch was flipped on. H

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