tianjiaoding.com - Tianjiao Ding

Description: Tianjiao Ding is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University, advised by Professor René Vidal. His research interests lie in the theoretical foundations of machine learning and data science as well as emerging applications.

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Ph.D. Student • Vision, Dynamics and Learning Lab • Johns Hopkins University • Email: [email protected]

I am a third-year Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University , advised by René Vidal and Benjamin D. Haeffele . I also work closely with Yi Ma . Prior to joining Hopkins, I spent two years as a research assistant at ShanghaiTech University , advised by Manolis C. Tsakiris and collaborating with Laurent Kneip . I received my undergraduate degree in computer science with honor from ShanghaiTech , working with Manolis and Yi .

My research interests lie in the theoretical foundations of machine learning and data science as well as emerging applications. As such, I develop both rigorous mathematics and practical implementations in my work. In particular, I study manifold learning and clustering, 3D vision and robotics.