tiagofilipesousagoncalves.github.io - Tiago Filipe Sousa Gonçalves

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PhD Student at FEUP | Research Assistant at INESC TEC | Machine Learning and Deep Learning Enthusiast

I received my MSc in Bioengineering (Biomedical Engineering) from Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) in 2019. Currently, I am a PhD Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at FEUP and a research assistant at the Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia of INESC TEC with the Visual Computing & Machine Intelligence (VCMI) Research Group. My research interests include machine learning, explainable artificial intelligence (in-model approaches), computer vision, medical decision

Besides working, I enjoy practising Karate-Do Shotokai or reading about life, philosophy, economy, politics or fundamental science. Moreover, I do not refuse a good TV series or a good film (preferably at the cinema).

Links to tiagofilipesousagoncalves.github.io (1)