- THV Nation – Go and Make Disciples of All Nations

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The Higher View exists to build up and empower reformation-minded men and women to be actively engaged and leading in all spheres of cultural influence. We believe, as ambassadors and representatives of Jesus Christ on earth, we are commissioned as leaders to bring true freedom and prosperity into our homes, cities, states and nations.

It is the goal of The Higher View to encourage, equip and empower men and women to effectively utilize their God-given strengths and unique design to bring positive change to the world around them. Our heart for this mission is birthed from a passion for God’s original design and intent for creation.

It is our belief that a man and women must first learn to walk in the Truth of their God given identity as a son or daughter before they can begin to rightfully fulfill their role and responsibility as a leader. We believe mission-ready men and women, who are empowered and equipped to stand strong and capable will effectively impact and lead bringing revelatory solutions in all spheres of influence, advancing the Kingdom, and transforming our world.

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