- Through Glass Transfer / ThruGlassXfer (TGXf)

Description: Through Glass Transfer

through glass transfer (2) thruglassxfer (2) tgxf (2) through keyboard transfer (2) thrukeyboardxfer (2) tkxf (2) through console transfer (2) thruconsolexfer (2) tcxf (2) cltgxf (2)

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Welcome to the Through Glass Transfer information site.

Through Glass Transfer is the label that has been given to a suite of tools that demonstrate the unauthorised infiltration and exfiltration of code and data through secure networks, particularly to highlight the vulnerability exposed through offshoring (human resources off-shore, systems and data on-shore) using commonly deployed enterprise security architectures. In that regard, the information presented on this site does not have a CVE-ID, because it does not reveal a new vulnerability in any specific app

ThruGlassXfer (TGXf) is a protocol and application designed to let people download files through a screen. It is a proof-of-concept created to demonstrate a long standing and poorly understood vulnerability in enterprise security.

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