- HATTAM Family Genealogy

Description: HATTAM family name genealogical research website - tracing the various family histories of the HATTAM surname in England, Australia, the United States and other countries.

family (12170) history (7343) genealogy (2845) family history (1023) st just (23) penwith (14) hattam (6) hattam family (6) hattam family history (6) st just in penwith (6)

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I have been researching my family history since 1999. In so doing, I've accumulated information and details about all occurences of the HATTAM name, and this site contains just some of the data I have gathered so far. My HATTAM family comes from St Just in Penwith in West Cornwall at least as far back as the 1779 marriage of John Hattam and Elizabeth Eddy. There is also a HATTAM family from Kenwyn (Truro), Cornwall which I've traced back to the 1797 marriage of John Hattam and Rebecca Mitchell. It is highly

Software & Web Output I construct the family trees using GEDitCOM - a genealogy package available for the Mac. This uses GEDCOM as its native file format, avoiding proprietry formats and ensures complete adherence to the GEDCOM 5.5 standard. I can then quickly update the website with a new GEDCOM file which is rendered into webpages using webtrees . This avoids generating hundreds of static webpages, and the headache in managing them. Here are the six current HATTAM family trees .

Discussion Forum I've also started a discussion forum (bulletin board) for people to post articles and questions. I've tried to think of various topics, but you can always suggest some more. To register you do need to know the year in which "Civil Registration" for births, marriages and deaths began in England & Wales. This year is the VIP code.