- Thomas Beelen

Example domain paragraphs

Currently I am developing a responsible robot that helps children find information during my PhD at the University of Twente. I also like to take pictures. My guide to Stockholm can be found here.

For my master thesis I developed and tested interfaces for trust in self driving cars. In another fun project, fellow students and I worked on an interface for children to control the movement of a robot.

Robot-Supported Information Search: Which Conversational Interaction Style do Children Prefer? - International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) 2023. Designing Conversational Robots with Children during the Pandemic - 6 th International Kidrec workshop at IDC conference 2022. A Child-Friendly Approach to Spoken Conversational Search - MICROS Workshop at CIKM 2022 2022. Let's talk about it: Spoken conversational search with a robot for children - CUI workshop at CSCW 2021. Does your robot know? En

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