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Description: Thinkamingo is a full-service app developer from concept to delivery, on all platforms. We also consult on app development and social media.

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Thank you for stopping by to check us out! We hope you find an app or an idea here to make your life better.

We strive to expand the creativity of our customers, not simply entertain or occupy. Scores of other apps provide fact drilling and testing. Many others simply exist to keep children entertained/quiet/occupied to give the parents a break. Some provide exploratory activities, Montessori-style. We create tools that engage the creative core.

Lists for Writers  cures writer’s block. Don’t believe me? Check it out. This will get you unstuck and back to writing. This app has been featured in many articles related to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) as a top tool for aspiring novelists!

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