- Psychedelic Guidance | The Unfurling

Description: The Unfurling offers education about psychedelics and nonordinary states of consciousness, harm reduction resources, and preparation and integration support.

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Unfurl : to make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to be open to the wind. 

Psychedelic and expanded state experiences allow us to unfurl ourselves. Through trauma, we learn to hide parts of our being, letting shame, fear, and self-loathing control our lives. Transcendent experiences can shake up these deeply ingrained patterns, priming the brain for plasticity and restructuring. In these states, we discover the profundity of our inner wisdom, which seems invariably to call out to us, reminding us that we are all love. Insofar as we love ourselves and each other, the world and our

The insights gained during nonordinary states of consciousness may be simultaneously profound, life altering, and destabilizing. Without the process of integration, wherein we bring meaning and understanding to these insights in order to bring them into our everyday experience, one may emerge more bewildered than ever. I have found that the mere process of recounting one's experience can prove incredibly powerful in bringing understanding and purpose to these insights. I am here to help talk through these e