- PJ Caldas

Description: Official website of novelist PJ Caldas, author of The Girl from Wudang, a novel about immortality, martial arts and artificial intelligence (plus Daoism, tai chi, kung fu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, mma, metaverse, neurolacing and neuroscience) PJ Caldas is also known as PJ Pereira in the marketing world, where he is known as a pioneer in the intersection of advertising, entertainment and technology.

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See what readers from science, literature and martial arts are saying.

Martial arts, writing, business, family, and a bit more.

Meet the Brainternet. Meet the Brainternet. The Tech .fe-6361fc422a748231c7b7050a { --grid-gutter: calc(var(--sqs-mobile-site-gutter, 6vw) - 11.0px); --cell-max-width: calc( ( var(--sqs-site-max-width, 1500px) - (11.0px * (8 - 1)) ) / 8 ); display: grid; position: relative; grid-area: 1/1/-1/-1; grid-template-rows: repeat(9,minmax(24px, auto)); grid-template-columns: minmax(var(--grid-gutter), 1fr) repeat(8, minmax(0, var(--cell-max-width))) minmax(var(--grid-gutter), 1fr); row-gap: 11.0px; column-gap: 11.0