- My Three Sons

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Here we are yet again. Another summer gone and a new school year to start. This time is a little different for us. We have not one, but TWO kids going to school!!! Hard for me to believe. You just never think your kids will be old enough to start school and then there they go!!! We've had a wonderful summer. Went to the cellar a couple of times.  VBS  Crue's 3 year old check up.  Briggs' lovely bug bite on his eye.  Outside time.  Friends  Briggs' 7th birthday  Sleeping in!!  Getting school supplies. So onc

Posted by Three Guys & a Gal at 6:02 PM 1 comments  

I'm behind. Like really behind. I haven't blogged about Grady's birthday and it's in March. So it's in this post too.  Crue turned 3 on June 7 and he had a shark themed party at the pool. We lucked out on the weather. Thank goodness!! It was a great turn out:) This is Crue and his cousin Griffin                                                    Crue showing me he is 3. Nailed it.                                                         Shark cupcakes Goodie buckets  We had some family pics done by the incre