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Example domain paragraphs

It is my pleasure to welcome you and your child to the 2015-2016 school year.  That time of year has arrived when students are anxious to see class lists, teachers are busy preparing their classrooms, and parents are gathering school supplies and rearranging family schedules.  All of this brings excitement and anticipation to the hearts of all.

Last year,  the 3rd grade successfully  transitioned to Teaming/Departmentalization.

Teaming/Departmentalization has been successfully implemented in Grades 4 and 5 at Lithia Springs and in varying degrees and configurations throughout our district elementary schools. Teaming/Departmentalization offers opportunities for teachers to extensively plan for content specific instruction, differentiate instruction to broaden and deepen students’ subject specific skills and knowledge and increase focused attention to content specific professional development to meet the needs of diverse learners.