- The Plan For The Future – There is a plan

Description: There is a plan

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It appears we live inside a simulation created by an advanced post-human civilisation. Science sufficiently established several laws of reality, so if breaches in these laws occur, this is evidence of this world being fake. With the help of observations and induction, we can certify that these laws of reality do not always apply. The argument for us living inside a simulation thus hinges upon the following assumptions that appear plausible:

Humans think they are unique and superb creatures, the apex of all that roams the planet. They attach great value to their inner selves and are unlikely to change their human essence once they can, so post-humans are likely to have similar motivations as we have. Hence, they might run simulations of human ancestor civilisations for research and entertainment. The number of simulations for entertainment likely vastly outstrips those for research. It then follows that our most likely purpose is entertainment.

Featured image: From Last Stand, Sci-Fi Short Film Made with Artificial Intelligence

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